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Georg Friedrich Händel

Lascia ch’io pianga
(Aria dal “Rinaldo”)


Versione per chitarra sola 


Trascription and fingering by Flavio Cucchi


Note sulla trascrizione (in IT and ENG)


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SCORE price: 15€







Antonio Vivaldi

Concerto in Re Maggiore
per Liuto, 2 Violini e Basso Continuo


Versione per chitarra sola


Trascription and fingering by Flavio Cucchi


Note sulla trascrizione (in IT and ENG)
I Allegro

II Largo
III Allegro


9 pag.


Si può ascoltare questo brano qui:


SCORE price: 20€







Antonio Vivaldi

dal Concerto per Violino e Organo RV775


Versione per chitarra sola


Trascription and fingering by Flavio Cucchi


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SCORE price: 12€







Jacob do Bandolim

"Migalhas de Amor"

Arranged by Flavio Cucchi
(from a transcription by Hernan Morales)


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SCORE price: 10






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  • (1 -12) Chick Corea: 12 Children’s songs for 2 guitars, from 20 Children’s songs for piano
  • (13 – 18) Chick Corea: 6 Ruminations for guitar, dedicated to Flavio Cucchi – NEW version
  • (19) Alfonso Borghese: Habanera d’Autunno
  • (20) Egberto Gismonti: Agua e Vinho, for 3 guitars
  • (21 – 23) Giulio Clementi: Tre Danze da Balera, for 2 guitars, dedicated to Flavio Cucchi
  • (24 -27) John Duarte: English Suite


CD price: 15€



“In hearing a musician of such ability and creativeness as Flavio, I of course became inspired to write music for him and his guitar. At that time I was already working on a piece for guitar as an experiment – these later were named “Ruminations”. We got together several times to develop the idea and after a few times Flavio had created a complete metamorphosis of taking these piano/like pieces and making them into guitar performances. The resultant recording is very exciting for me to hear – to see my idea realized with such high artistry.” (Chick Corea)



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L. Moretti: Variazioni sulle Follie di Spagna (3:52)

F.Carulli: Solo n.2A. (5:33)

Manjon: Aire Vasco (5:30)

I. Albeniz:

  • Granada (3:59)
  • Capriccio Catalano (2:49)
  • Sevilla (4:21)

A. Barrios:

Junto a tu corazon (3:30)

Julia Florida (3:38)

Omaggio a Firenze (clip- A: Barrios: Choro de saudade) (3:47)



Il ruolo dell’interprete, l’approccio al brano, la performance, il concetto dello strumento, la tecnica, il repertorio (11:00)


DVD price: 20€




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Manuel Ponce: Sonata Romantica 

  •         Allegro moderato      
  •         Andante espressivo
  •         Allegretto vivo
  •         Allegro non troppo serioso

Manuel De Falla: Homenaje

Fernando Sor: Le Calme

J.S. Bach: Preludio


Conversazione con Oscar Ghiglia:

con Flavio Cucchi e Massimo Raccosta

dalla residenza di Massimo Raccosta

(The Raccosta collection - Museum of fine guitars)


DVD price: 20€





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  • Filippo Gragnani: Trio in Re maggiore op. 26
  • Paul Hindemith: Rondò
  • Reginald Smith Brindle: Music for three guitars
  • Ennio Morricone: Tre studi per tre chitarre
  • Isaac Albeniz: Bajo de la palmera
  • Manuel De Falla: Danza ritual del fuego, Danza del molinero
  • Joh Seb Bach: Tre contrappunti dall'Arte della Fuga
  • Carlo Prosperi: Stellae inerrantes


DVD price: 20€






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